About Faradid Atlas
Faradid Atlas Cooperative Company was established with registration number 463665, national ID 10260573839 and economic code 411396143671 on 11/28/2009 and has started its official activity. The main activity of the group is in the field of importing and supplying foodstuffs such as long grain and short grain rice in the whole country with the brands of “Mizban”, “21” and “Gol Banoo” and…. Faradid Atlas Company is one of the largest food supply companies in the country, which has operational and sales bases in most cities of our dear country, including Tehran, Isfahan, Shahrekord, Mazandaran, Bandar Abbas, Mashhad and other areas of our beloved homeland. Also, in order to create jobs and realize the ideals of the group, the company with all its tools and power, including having more than 50 young and efficient workforce, has taken strong steps in the direction of economic jihad and always steps firmly in this way. Has been put forward so that it can make increasing progress for our beloved country.